
These are some quotes that help me in my day to day drive. 

Why is change so damn hard? A big reason is due to the Effort-Results Gap. Most people looking to make big changes in their business or life quit too early because they think the return is linear when it’s actually exponential! One must have the resilience, stamina and conviction to carry through and experience the positive results. 

Dan Vrab – Investing Educator – Early Career Investors – Part Two – The Investing Educator

Target Funds:

“The typical target date fund starts with around 90% equities. Instead of gradually reducing that percentage to zero by the target date, most target date funds will still be 50% invested in equities at the target date!

I don’t know about you, but that makes very little sense to me. Why do most target funds keep such a high level of equities? There’s a simple explanation – all fund companies are competing for your money. How do they compete? By trying to have the highest return. How do they achieve the highest return? By having the highest percentage of equities. Of course, that strategy only works when the market is going up! And it exposes you to far greater risk than you should be taking with a college fund”….When you can’t afford to lose that equity value as a college fund has a time horizon.

Financial Security – Carl Richards

“But let’s not forget why we’re so focused on our financial security. We want to be happy, and to provide a good life for our loved ones.”.

The Behavior Gap – Carl Richards

“Slow and Steady Capital” – “far more concerned with avoiding large losses than with chasing the next great investment.”

The Moment of Lift – Melania Gates

On Government intervention using religion to substantiate the teaching on family planning for politicians who use the bible, but don’t follow the words of Christ in the Gospel of Luke:

“And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.”

Gospel of Matthew:

The last will be first, and the first will be last

The Moment of Lift – Melania Gates

“When men develop their nurturing side, it doubles the number of capable caregivers. It helps men build strong bonds with their children that bring joy and last a lifetime.”

The Moment of Lift – Melania Gates

“I believe we can see every girl in school in my lifetime, because I believe in local leaders”

Listen Money Matters:

It’s a f*cking college degree (time to build a business)

The Economist – July 27, 2019 – Bartleby

Examples of the problem (“curse of efficiency” – focus so much on efficiency that … fail to be effective):

The purpose of education is to prepare children for later life, but all too ofter the focus is on getting the children to pass exams. 

Setbacks are frequently growth accelerators

Peter J Strauss

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