This website offers free educational information.  This website is designed to provide information that the author believes to be accurate on the subject matters it covers, but the author is not offering individualized advice tailored to any specific portfolio or to any individual’s particular needs, or rendering investment advice or other professional services such as legal or accounting advice.  A competent professional’s services should be sought if one needs expert assistance in areas that include investment, legal, and accounting advice. 
 This website may reference performance data collected over many time periods.  Past results do not guarantee future performance.  Additionally, performance data, in addition to laws and regulations, change over time, which could change that status of the information.  This website solely provides historical data to discuss and illustrate the underlying principles.  Additionally, this website is not intended to serve as the basis for any financial decision, and is not an offer to sell or purchase any security.  Only a prospectus may be used to offer to sell
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