Here’s a list of some suggested books/podcast/magazine to use I hope in conjunction with this website:


You Are a Badass at Making Money – Jen Sincero – This book lead me to try and start my first company, which failed. However without this book, I would have never tried.

Good to Great – James Collins – A revolutionary business book from 20 years ago. Really showed how business could be great over a long period of time. Has lost favor recently as some of his company’s have turned out to be not so Great (i.e. Fannie Mae).

The Big Short – Michael Lewis – Really great to understand there is the other side of greed.

One Up On Wall Street – Peter Lynch – I use to give this to my friends as their book when they were asking about getting into investing.

The Intelligent Investor –  Benjamin Graham – Really old book, from 1940’s, but its where Warren Buffet learned many of his rule 1 investment strategies. I listened to this audiobook on my walk to pick up my daughter from day care over the 2018 summer. This one is very dry and I would say stay away until you at least have a year of learning about investing. However Chapter 8 is about the best 20 minutes I’ve ever heard on investing. I plan a write-up on that portion shortly.

The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined – Steven Pinker – Such a positive book, well researched with facts and analysis that explains how our world is really becoming a better place. Hopeful, but also pushes me to want to keep making the world better.

Podcast – Great to Listen to on the way to work or during runs – Topics range from how to save to how to get in the proper money mindset. – Really great write-ups of mutual funds and investments. Timely market updates when signed up to his site – Hedge Fund investor Phil Town and his daughter talk through Warren Buffets investment strategy in great detail – Investment advice – Wall Street Breakfast. Very short term, with active daily updates on the market – Analytics Neat – One of my best friends runs this weekly podcasts on Analytics, IT and Marketing

Magazines – I recommend the paper copies so that you make sure you read the articles and don’t think short term: 

The Economists – Really great for World News and Business updates

Barons – Newer to my list of reading, good for quick insight into movements of stocks short term

Money – Really easy read, with some good ideas, like best credit card offers

Fortune – Really good insight into company’s with detailed backgrounds

Forbes – Insight into the richest people in the world

Time – Filled with alot of politics, but has really good insight into things like medicine and farming. Read a great article a few weeks back on coal plants which gave some good insight into the energy of the future

Chicago Sun-Times – I’d suggest a subscription to a local paper, this might give you insight into new factory, layoffs, etc. that might not make the national media.



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